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Having Your Miracles

Happy New Year!

My intentions for this New Year are simple: miracles, abundance and healing.

Miracles are wonderful to experience and really not as hard to manifest as we often make them out to be. To have miracles, first we need to redefine and expand our definition of what a miracle is. Does it have to come with an angel voice, or does it have to be the impossible made possible? Is it enough if the miracle is simply a single tiny life in a barren landscape?

I have learned that when we allow our eyes to open and truly see that there are miracles already happening right now around and within us, we invite even more miracles into our lives. Life is a miracle itself, precious and full of wonders. Our body is an amazing miracle as well!

We allow more miracles into our lives when we allow ourselves to do something different than what we normally would, even if that difference is very small.

Let me tell you about my miracle today.

It was a beautiful and exquisite day today: the sky was blue, the sun shone brilliantly and the cold winter wind was gentle. I decided to go for a walk in my favorite regional park up the hill from my home.

As I walked along the well-loved path, marveling at the verdant green meadow ahead of me, my eyes rested on a fallen tree-trunk. It was silvery, polished by rain and sun for many years, I supposed. I decided to lie down on top of it. No real reason why, other than it looked like fun to lie on it.

I laid myself down gently on it and closed my eyes. I felt the warmth of the sun on the right side of my body and the wintry breeze on my left side. I opened my eyes, and appreciated the pine trees above me with their sparkling needles. I looked beyond them. Lo and behold, on the beautiful blue sky above, there were two beautiful long rainbows on the cloudless blue sky!

A double rainbow for all to see!

What a miracle for me! I laughed delightedly. I wouldn't have noticed this quiet and beautiful gift of joy if I had just continued walking and looking straight ahead. My decision to change my course and to lie down on a tree trunk gave me a different perspective, upward. And that perspective allowed me this experience of wonder and joy.

I chuckled gently at the Universe. I love how playfully the Universe teaches me how to manifest more miracles in my life.

Miracles can happen in big and small ways. To learn to have them, we will need to allow ourselves to make small changes, everyday, even if it's just a change in our perspectives.

I invite you to allow your miracles to unfold!

Wishing you abundance, healing and miracles in 2009!



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