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The Art of Deliberate Creation

Founder of Metta Center, Christine Metawati, CCHT, RMT, CET, offers energy therapy and spiritual coaching. Christine specializes in helping people to increase self-awareness, transform their consciousness, and deliberately create the life that they want.

You probably have heard of the Law of Attraction: like attracts like. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. What you vibrate, you attract. What you give out, you receive.

I really like the definition of Law of Attraction as defined by Abraham in the book "Ask and It is Given" by Jerry and Esther Hicks ( This law is simply explained as "That which is likened unto itself is drawn."

This law means that, as powerfully vibrating beings, we can mold our energy to attract our life experiences. In other words, if we choose to exercise our power to direct our own vibrations, we have total freedom and creative control over our life.

Obviously, not all of us feel that way. How often do you truly feel in control of your life? How often do you feel that if such-and-such happened or didn't happen, you would be happier or healthier or better off?

Having applied this law to myself over and over again, I am constantly delighted and amazed at how much my life is matching more and more what I want. It is really eye-opening to realize how much power we actually have in creating our life. I love how reliable, simple and consistent this law is. Creating my life on a conscious level has been one of the most satisfying and magical experiences in my life. I love experiencing synchronicity, experiencing my connection with all there is in such exciting ways.

To give you an example, a couple years ago, I set my intention to have meaningful work that is flexible, satisfying, magical, and allowed me to be in balance with other aspects of my life. I love the fact that I am currently typing this article from my garden, sitting outside enjoying the afternoon sun and wonderful smell of honeysuckle. I am now living my intended creation! If I can do it, you can, too!

Using Emotions to Guide Your Creation Process

You can use your feelings/emotions as a gauge to check where you are in terms of allowing or disallowing your intention to manifest.

Think of three qualities of life that you want in your life, right now. Write them down, and check in with your heart on each one. Ask yourself, "What do I feel when I think of this desire?"

Do you feel peaceful about it? Joyful? Optimistic? Frustrated? Discouraged? Hopeless? Fearful? Despair? Be honest with yourself. Your feelings are really your inner guidance telling you how close you are to attracting that desire into your life. You may be surprised by what you learn.

The way you feel about your desire shows you how aligned you are with it. The more positively you feel about your desire means the more your consistent thoughts (your focus) are aligned with and supporting the desire. This also means you are vibrationally in alignment with this desire and you are in attracting (allowing) mode: the object of your desire will manifest into your life effortlessly.

The more negatively you feel when you think about your desire means the more your consistent thoughts are currently out of alignment with your desire, and thus you are in repelling mode: you will repel or push away what you desire no matter how hard you wish for it or work towards it.

Feeling negative about your desire doesn't mean you will never get it. The negativity you feel actually teaches you quite a bit about yourself. Check in with your inner self to find out whether this negativity is because your inner guidance is telling you that this is not your desire but rather someone else's desire for you, or whether it is because you have negative beliefs about this desire as well as limiting beliefs about your deservingness to have this desire.

If the negativity you feel is because the desire is actually someone else's desire, then drop the "desire" (which could be your mom's, dad's, wife's, husband's or someone else's) and check in again with your inner self to discover what it is you really want for yourself. This is your life, you get to decide what you want to experience. If you find yourself feeling afraid to find out about your own desire, use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or other processes to release issues around that.

If, on the other hand, it is your limiting belief that is creating the negativity, then allow yourself to transform or reframe that belief. Your soul is constantly inviting you to embrace your unlimitedness. When you transform your negative belief, you acknowledge your unlimited potential. You accept your power and freedom as you unbind yourself from limiting beliefs. As you continue to shed limiting beliefs and allow yourself to choose more empowering thoughts (Abraham called them "a better-feeling thoughts",) you are realigning your energy with your heart's desire. You are allowing yourself to attract what you want.

According to Abraham, to deliberately or consciously create our lives, the process is:
1. Ask (we do this part)
2. It is answered (by Source, Spirit, God, Being, Universe, whatever you want to call this source of energy)
3. Allow (we do this part, too)

Now, if this is so simple, how come not everyone is doing it?

Actually, everyone is using the Law of Attraction all the time, and very successfully, at that, too. The Law of Attraction is always operating, but people often do not intentionally guide their asking (step 1) or the allowing (step 3) steps.

For example, you might sabotage the step of asking for what you want by refusing to take the time to think about what you want to create and refuse to state your intention for fear of disappointment. However, you might spend a lot of time focusing and complaining how you don't have this or that in your life. If you spend a lot of time focusing on the lack, on what didn't go well, on fear and dissatisfaction, that's what you are vibrating at and that's what the Law of Attraction will attract more of.

Or, you might think that you have wanted wealth for a long time, and you think that you have focused on getting more money, doing the visualizations of being wealthy and yet you are still struggling. What you may not be aware of is that, deep down inside, you might be afraid of having too much money, of not knowing how to handle it or not feeling deserving of it. The constant focus, unconsciously, is to stall the arrival of money to prevent your feeling bad. In this case, you unconsciously feel safer if you are vibrating at scarcity, so the Law of Attraction gives you more of the same until you choose to shift your vibration. In this second example, you didn't block the asking step; you blocked the allowing step.

Three Tips to Deliberately Creating Your Life

Here are three tips to fully harness the Law of Attraction in consciously creating your life:

1. Be clear of what you want and why. There is an art to asking for what you want: are you clear about why you want what you want? Is it really your desire or someone else's? Do you make a request or do you demand? Does thinking of what you want bring you joy or despair? Are you aware of what you want or need that brings you true joy? Do you allow yourself to hear your inner guidance about what would be meaningful or best for you? Are you waiting for someone to rescue you and therefore you won't take the time to design your life for yourself? Whatever you are feeling about your desire, the Law of Attraction will bring more of the same to you. If you are not clear or consistent in what you ask, you won't get a clear or consistent result. If you ask because your whole being feels happy and relaxed when you think about it, which means that you are vibrating in happiness and ease, then the Law will attract more happiness and ease to you, as well as what you have asked for.

2. Stay connected with your Source, your Spirit, through gratitude. There is an art to waiting for the answer to come. The vibration of gratitude is very high and with it comes trust and the feeling of fulfillment. This vibration not only allows you to be in full connection with your Spirit, your Source, but also attract more fulfillment into your life. Don't fall into the trap of habit of focusing on what is still lacking while you are waiting. If you are in a rush to receive an answer or to see a result, you will feel uptight and vibrate in the negative zone, thus disallowing your connection to Spirit. It can be hard to hear your own Spirit and maintain a clear connection when there's so much static on the line. The easiest way to stay in tune with your Spirit and be open to more blessings is to recognize and feel appreciative of all the blessings that you already have.

3. Clear out the obstacles. There is an art to allowing. What are you thinking most when you ask for what you want? Do you fear that you can't get it (focusing on can't), must get out of this mess (focusing on the mess), worry can't make it (focusing on won't), etc.? This is where being aware of your feelings and thoughts really help in getting you in a place of allowing and receiving that which you have asked. Practice being aware of where you are blocking what you have asked for and release all obstacles. More often that not, the obstacles are limiting beliefs and judgments that we have taken on as we go through our lives. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), self-inquiry processes and meditation are great tools for releasing limiting beliefs, and so are many other excellent processes and energy therapy tools such as Reiki, Psych-K, BSFF, etc. Use any of these self-help techniques to help you shift your energy. You will find that by changing your vibration, you increase the power of your consciousness, your light, and your power of creation.

I highly recommend that you take the attitude of the beginner's mind and be patient with yourself when you decide to consciously create your life. This is a skill, and you will get good at it with time. Enjoy your process of discovery. Just like when we first learn how to walk, we generally go through several development stages in our skills: our neck muscles strengthened so we can lift our head, we learned to roll over, we learned to crawl, we practiced our balance standing on both feet, fall down several times, hold on to supportive hands or furniture as we practice the movements of putting one foot in front of the other, and then we walk. So, will our skill and proficiency grow as we practice molding our energy to create our lives consciously.

I invite you to peek at, try out, check into, dabble, practice and practice again the art of deliberate creation. You are indeed magnificent creators! You create all the time. Practice consciously creating your life. You are worth it!

Wishing you joy in exercising your power of creativity!


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