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Stepping into the Light

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see clearly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Jerry" (not his real name) asked me to help him move past his painful feelings of loneliness and his need to be connected through touch. He found that his feelings and needs were getting in the way of his relationships.

He quietly suggested that perhaps instead of simply getting "rid" of things that didn't work, maybe it would be helpful to give himself a "replacement" item that he would like to experience in his life. I encouraged him to follow his inspiration and asked him what that replacement item would be. He thought for a moment and then very softly said, "I choose to trust that I will be loved again."

As soon as he made that choice, his energy body sighed with relief and he burst into tears. He sat for a while as his body rocked with sobs, releasing the old energies and absorbing the new and beautiful energy he had just claimed for himself.

What moments of grace! He was hearing and answering the call of his own Soul. When he chose to permit himself to trust that he would be loved again, he opened the portal to allow himself to love again. He was courageously choosing to connect with his own Source -- his eternal Self.

As he relaxed into the new energy he has chosen to live in, he gifted more healing to himself. At one point, a huge shift of energy practically flew out of his body. I asked him what he was doing at the time; he said, "I just decided to surrender and be here."

He was beaming with light at the end of our session, graceful and sublime like a rose. I was crying as I witness such a beautiful unfolding of light suffusing his body, connecting heaven and earth. I was in the presence of Love itself. It was completely awe-inspiring! And still he had more wise words to share: "To experience one's Self through the thoughts, the touch, the light of another is the essence of not being alone."

Being in the presence someone who is one with his Source is truly a joy untold.


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