I have my daughter to thank for my spiritual awakening. Prior to her arrival on Earth, I knew very little about myself. (Although I didn't know it at the time!)
Recently, a client shared with me that she believes when a woman becomes a mother, she has to give up her freedom to make choices. This is probably a perspective that many modern women hold. I certainly remember thinking that way myself. I was afraid of children.
Yet, I have one of my own despite the fears of being a mother. After all the trials and tribulations of motherhood, I have grown so much emotionally and spiritually that I do not wish to trade the experience for anything else. My daughter is one of the most important teachers in my life. Because of my desire to connect deeply with my daughter, I have learned how to honor who I really am so that I can honor who she really is. I learned how important it is to communicate clearly and listen deeply. I learned how to set clear intention and create from my inner world. I learned to take responsibility for my own feelings, and that it is my job, not hers, to make me feel good. I learned how to trust in the unseen. I learned how to play like a child again and find delights in life. I learned how to be forgiving and compassionate. And, most importantly, I learned how to profoundly love. Yes, I feel blessed beyond measures!
So, to all the children in the world -- including you! -- thank you for your sweet and abiding love, and for having the courage to shake up the generation that came before you. Your joy and strength of spirit are inspiring. Thank you for being here!