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Miracles 'R' Us

 (This article was first published in May 2007 Metta Center email newsletter. While the birds were long gone now, the message of the article still holds true in my heart today. I invite you to consider the miracle that YOU are!)

My family and I have been watching a bird making a nest on top of a beam under our eaves. We think it is the future mama bird that is making the nest. There is a red one (we think this is the papa bird) who is always nearby singing to her as she works.

It has been four days now since the birds started their nest, and we've seen how the nest is built piece by piece from blades of dried grass, small twigs, dried forget-me-nots. The colors are really lovely, a little baby blue from the flowers, green from the grass and soft greys from the twigs. (I wonder if the mama bird thought of color swatches as she builts her nest!)

When I see how much care she is putting into preparing and creating a home for the new lives that are coming, I feel very touched and in awe. So much love and honor for the miracle of life!

This makes me think how each of us, as individual lives, started from only two tiny cells. We are walking miracles, really, but we think nothing of it. What if we begin to recognize the miracles that we truly are instead of waiting for a "miracle" in our lives? What if we see ourselves as the miracles we are looking for? What if we could honor and cherish the miracles that we are?


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